Relationship development between parent and teenager

MYAC Life Coaching holds a number of seminars and workshops developed specifically for teenagers and their parents. In these sessions, MYAC Life Coaching provides guidance and advice on new and better ways to communicate, steps to coping with emotional fluctuation that is typical of this period of life, as well as ideas on how to handle and address stress and obstructive thinking.

Through this, you will be able provide yourself with the opportunity to eliminate unwanted emotions and behaviours by using healthy and constructive thought processes described by MYAC Life Coaching.


  1. Helping parents and teenagers to overcome fear, high school stress, procrastination, lack of confidence and lack of self-belief.
  2. Cultivating the tools, capacity and attitude to achieve success.
  3. Building self-awareness around one’s emotions, thought-processes, behaviours and communication.
  4. Understanding generation gaps and when to parent and when to be a friend.
  5. Increasing personal accountability and responsibility.
  6. Helping our teenagers find their own unique voice and gain the confidence to use it.

Duration: 1 to 1 ½ hours


Emotional intelligence development.

MYAC Life Coaching hosts interactive workshops providing guidance for increasing emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships sensibly and empathetically.

The full course runs over a period of 3 days and each daily session focuses on a different topic definition, its causes and symptoms, and the necessary steps forward. Personal evaluations are completed, and tools are given to prepare the client for the future.

MYAC Life Coaching can tailor a condensed workshop for those who are not able to attend the full 3-day course. Additional topics can also be developed upon request.


  1. Fear and uncertainty
  2. Self-image
  3. Boundaries and limitations
  4. Assertiveness
  5. External pressure and conflict resolution
  6. How to handle rejection
  7. Anger/ forgiveness and self-development
  8. Thought processes

Duration: 3 to 3 ½ hours


Maximising your business potential.

These workshops can be designed for both management and employees, and are tailor made according to the company’s requirements.


  1. Identifying problem areas in the business.
  2. Understanding the journey your business has taken and the progress still to come.
  3. Communication strategies.
  4. Anger management.
  5. Conflict resolution.
  6. Skills to help balance your work life and your personal life.

Please contact MYAC Life Coaching